§ 8108-5.14.4. Perimeter landscaping and screening.  

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  • a.

    Adjacent to Streets. Where parking areas are not visually screened from any adjacent public or private street by an intervening building or structure, the following requirements apply:


    Planter Width. A minimum 8-foot-wide (inside dimension, inclusive of any bumper overhang) landscape planter shall be provided between the street and the parking area, except at driveways, pedestrian pathways, and other pedestrian spaces.


    Screening Materials and Height. Visual screens, measuring three (3) feet in height from the top of the pavement, shall be provided. Where the ground level adjoining the street is below street grade, the visual screen height may be reduced by the difference in levels. Where the ground level adjoining the street is above street grade, the visual screen height may be reduced as determined appropriate by the Director. The visual screen shall be composed of a berm or solid wall, plus plant material that softens the look and breaks up the expanse of the screen. Plant material may be used as the main screening element only if a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the plants are of 15-gallon container size when planted, the rest are of 5-gallon container size, and the plants form a dense hedge. Where walls are used, the preferred location is in the middle of the 8-foot planter so that the planter may also serve as a bumper overhang and so that trees may be planted on both sides of the wall. Walls may also be placed behind the plant material, relative to the street. Where earth berms are used, the berm slope shall be a maximum of one (1) foot of rise for every three (3) feet of linear distance (3:1 horizontal to vertical).


    Trees and Shrubs. Trees shall be provided at a minimum rate of one (1) for each thirty (30) linear feet of landscape planter or fraction thereof, and at least one (1) per planter. Shrubs shall be provided as needed to meet screening requirements, but no less than one (1) for every five (5) linear feet of landscape planter or fraction thereof.


    Large Projects. Parking areas with more than one hundred (100) motor vehicle spaces shall provide a concentration of landscape elements at primary entrances, including specimen trees, flowering plants, and special design elements. Public art may be used, and is encouraged, in conjunction with these elements. Such art should meet the provisions of Section 8108-5.14.2(a)(ii).


    Bus Shelters. Bus shelters may be located within the perimeter landscape planters, but shall not be placed so as to reduce the number of required trees.


    Public Art. Public art may be provided in perimeter landscape planters that are viewable by the general public, in lieu of two (2) required trees. Such art shall meet the provisions of Section 8108-5.14.2(a)(ii).


    Adjacent to Residential Land Uses. Where parking areas and associated driveways adjoin residentially zoned property or ground-floor residential land uses, a solid masonry wall at least six (6) feet in height shall be installed and maintained along the property line. Said wall shall not be more than three (3) feet in height within the front setback of the abutting residentially zoned property.


    Side and Rear Property Lines. Perimeter planters are encouraged where a parking area or driveway adjoins a side or rear property line. Side and rear perimeter planters shall be a minimum of two (2) feet wide (inside dimension) when the planters do not include trees and a minimum of four (4) feet wide (inside dimension) when the planters include trees.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)