§ 8109-4.1.2. Required permits.  

Latest version.
  • In this overlay zone, the permit requirements of Article 5 shall apply and a Planning Director-approved Planned Development Permit is also required whenever any one of the following actions are proposed:


    Grading that results in an excavation or fill of more than five feet in height, or involves a cumulative area of one thousand (1,000) square feet or larger.


    Construction of new structures that meet any of the following characteristics:


    The proposed structure exceeds fifteen (15) feet in height; or


    Any part of a proposed structure is located within twenty (20) vertical feet of the nearest crest of a prominent ridgeline, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the structure will not be silhouetted on the ridgeline as viewed from the County Regional Road Network, a County designated scenic lake, or public location as prescribed by an Area Plan; or


    The proposed structure(s) cumulatively exceeds one thousand (1,000) square feet, or twenty (20) percent of the floor area of an existing structure located within forty (40) feet, whichever is greater.


    Increase in the height or size of any existing structure that exceeds either one of the following:


    Twenty (20) percent of the existing structure's height where the existing structure is located within twenty (20) vertical feet of the nearest crest of a prominent ridgeline, whichever is more restrictive, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the structure will not be silhouetted on the ridgeline as viewed from the County Regional Road Network, a County designated scenic lake, or public location as prescribed by an Area Plan; or


    Twenty (20) percent cumulative increase in the size of an existing structure's floor area or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is greater.


    Destruction or removal of one thousand (1,000) square feet or more of native vegetation.

    (Am. Ord. 3993—2/25/92; Am. Ord. 4390—9/9/08)

(Ord. No. 4413, § 2, 4-6-2010)