§ 8178- Turf (Grass).  

Latest version.
  • The typical California lawn can require several times more water than groundcover consisting of native or other drought-tolerant plants. To help reduce urban water demand for outdoor purposes, the installation of turf shall be limited to the following:


    Unless a modification is granted pursuant to Section 8178-8.7, turf shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the landscape area for residential development and no turf shall be allowed in non-residential development except as authorized by 8178-;.b. below.


    A higher percentage of irrigated turf on sports fields, golf courses, playgrounds, parks, bioswales, or other areas may be approved to serve a functional need. The use of irrigated turf within these areas shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible.


    All turf shall be a warm season variety, except within areas used for recreation, which may use cool season varieties.


    Turf shall not be used on slopes greater than ten (10) percent, except within designated stormwater management areas.


    Turf shall not be planted in street medians, traffic islands, landscape planters, or bulb-outs of any size.


    Approved turf shall be irrigated by sub-surface irrigation or by technology that creates no overspray or runoff.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)