§ 8119-1.8.5. Standards for Specific Locations.  

Latest version.
  • Standards within this section address unique circumstances at the specified location. When applicable, these standards shall replace setback, frontage , and other standards in Sec. 8119-1.3 Zoning Standards.


    Parcels that adjoin the Railroad right-of-way.


    Standards: Whenever feasible, apply the "rear" standards ( frontage , setback, etc.) for the side of a lot that abuts the railroad. When the primary street for the lot is L.A. Avenue or Alelia Avenue, and the "rear" lot standards is not feasible, use the "side street" standards for the side of a lot that abuts the railroad.


    R/MU zone:


    Parking should be placed next to the railroad right-of-way.


    Residential development that adjoins the railroad or industrial use shall use building or parking placement, building design, wall construction, or visual screening to minimize noise and vibration from adjoining uses. Such development shall also be designed to prevent residents from accessing the railroad tracks.


    Historic Saticoy Train Depot: Subsections (a) and (b) above do not apply to the Train Depot. For this lot, the "primary street" standards may be used for the side of lot facing the railroad, and parking may be located along Azahar Street or within a side setback. For other standards that apply to the Train Depot, see Appendix C.


    Parcels thatabutLos Angeles Avenue.


    Standards: For parcels that abut L.A. Avenue, use L.A. Avenue as the "primary street" for the purpose of establishing setback, frontage , and other standards. However, for parcels that abut L.A. Avenue and are located north of Violeta Street, use Violeta Street as the "primary street" for the purpose of setting setback, frontage , and other standards due to topographic constraints along L. A. Avenue.


    R/MU Zone: Ground floor commercial is required at all corners of L.A. Avenue and Nardo Street.


    Parcels zoned Town Center (TC) west of SR-118.


    Standards: Use SR-118 as the "primary street" for setback, frontage , parking placement and other standards. Parking placement may be located at side or rear of building.


    Building Placement: Maximum front setbacks shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet at this location.


    BuildingFrontage: The minimum frontage on the "primary street" shall be sixty (60) percent (instead of eighty (80) percent). No "side street" frontage is required at this location. This requirement does not apply to any Cultural Heritage Site.


    Parcels zoned Industrial (IND)adjacentto the Residential (RES) zone.


    Retain a maximum 35-foot building height along fifty (50) percent (or more) of the building frontage on Azahar Street or, alternatively, step the second floor back ten (10) feet or more from the edge of the main façade.


    Utilize sloped or pitched roofs on buildings adjacent to residentially zoned parcels.




    With the exception of TC zoned parcels west of SR 118 (see Sec. 8119-1.8.5(c)), no other parcels within Old Town Saticoy may use SR-118 as a "primary street".


    All development adjacent to SR-118 must comply with indoor noise standards in the General Plan and California Building Code.


    Large-Scale Development or Redevelopment. This section provides site development standards for large-scale development or redevelopment in Old Town Saticoy, which is defined as a project where the total area included in the development proposal exceeds one (1) acre. Site development standards for such developments, listed below, shall be used in conjunction with applicable standards in Sec. 8119-1.3 through Sec. 8119-1.5 of the Old Town Saticoy Development Code, amended as follows:


    Building Number/Types: In order to replicate the existing, small-scale development pattern within Old Town Saticoy, the project shall include two (2) or more buildings. When the size of project exceeds two (2) acres, the project shall include four (4) or more buildings and two (2) or more Building Types, as allowed by the applicable zone.


    Vehicular Access: On-site parking shall be accessed from new internal streets, existing alleys , or the "side street" for that lot. Direct access to on-site parking from SR 118 or the "primary street" is prohibited unless alternative access is not feasible.


    Existing Local Roads: With the exception of the western cul-de-sac on Azahar Street, large-scale development shall not include the removal of local roads on the Mobility Map. (See Figure 4-3 in Chapter 4 of the Saticoy Area Plan.)


    Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian facilities and amenities shall be provided in the form of sidewalks, plazas, or interconnected courtyards. On-site pedestrian facilities shall provide access to public walkways located on adjacent "primary" and "side" streets.


    Landscaping: In addition to landscaping in all "primary street" and "side street" setbacks, the following shall be provided:


    Pedestrian amenities that include trees, decorative lighting, benches, and decorative permeable paving.


    For development sized at fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of building footprint area or more, at least one (1) of the park types listed in Sec. 8119-1.7 shall be included within the proposed site layout. Parks located within the TC zone shall meet the definition of "semi-public outdoor area" in Chapter 7 Definitions in the Saticoy Area Plan.


    Also apply Sec. 8108-5 for parking lot design and landscape requirements.




    If applicable, development applications shall include a sign program. (See Sec. 8119-1.1.6(c) for submittal requirements.)


    Northern"Gateway"Parcel (see Figure 1.8.5(A)): The following additional standards shall apply if all (or a major portion of) the block located at SR-118, between Violeta Street and Telephone Road, shall be redeveloped for commercial use:


    Violeta Street shall be used as the "primary street" for the purpose of applying the Development Code standards. Violeta Street and L. A. Avenue shall be designed as primary frontages ; whereas Telephone Lane shall be designed as a side street frontage.


    Parking placement shall be located within the lot interior, with vehicular access from L.A. Avenue. Pedestrian access to the development shall be provided from Telephone Lane, Violeta Street and L.A. Avenue.


    At least one (1) of the park types listed in Sec. 8119-1.7 shall be included in the development plans. The park shall meet the definition of "semi-public outdoor area" in Chapter 7 Definitions in the Saticoy Area Plan.


    Signage and decorative landscaping shall be provided at the intersection of SR-118 and Telephone Lane. The signage should be visible to drivers on SR 118 and Telephone Lane, and communicate entry into Old Town Saticoy. The signage type could be an identification sign within a plaza, letters attached to a low wall, or an architectural feature.


    Southern"Gateway"Parcel (see Figure 1.8.5(B)): The following standards shall apply for the R/MU parcel south of Rosal Lane and east of L.A. Avenue:


    Commercial development may be located along L. A. Avenue, with residential development located along Rosal Lane and Alelia Street, at the eastern portion of the parcel.


    Development located at the western portion of lot shall use L.A. Avenue as the "primary street" , while development at the eastern portion of lot shall use Rosal Lane or Alelia Street as the "primary street".


    Parking placement should occur within the interior of the lot, adjacent to the South Industrial Area. Vehicular access to the parking lot should be provided from Rosal Lane and Alelia Avenue.


    At least one (1) of the park types listed in Sec. 8119-1.7 shall be included in the development plans. The park shall meet the definition of "semi-public outdoor area" in Chapter 7 Definitions in the Saticoy Area Plan.


    Signage and decorative landscaping shall be provided at the intersection of SR-118 and L.A. Avenue. The signage should be visible to drivers on SR 118, and communicate entry into Old Town Saticoy. The signage type could be an identification sign within a plaza, letters attached to a low wall, or an architectural feature such as a fountain or a sculpture.


    Commercial Block Redevelopment (see Figure 1.8.5(C)): The following additional standards shall apply if all (or a major portion of) the block located south of Violeta Street, between SR-118 and L.A. Avenue, shall be redeveloped:


    L.A. Avenue and Violeta Street shall be designated as "primary streets" , with limited frontage along SR-118.


    Parking placement should occur within the lot interior or, alternatively, adjacent to the railroad right-of-way.


    At least one (1) of the park types listed in Sec. 8119-1.7 shall be included in the development plans. The park shall meet the definition of "semi-public outdoor area" in Chapter 7 Definitions in the Saticoy Area Plan.



    Ⓐ Northern Gateway Parcel (see Sec. 8119-1.8.5(f)(7))

    Ⓑ Southern Gateway Parcel (see Sec. 8119-1.8.5(f)(8))

    Ⓒ Commercial Block Redevelopment (see Sec. 8119-1.8.5(f)(9))

(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)