§ 8119-1.8.6. Parking Standards.  

Latest version.
  • Article 8 regulates all off-street parking and loading spaces for motor vehicles and bicycles. Article 8 also includes the parking area design and landscaping requirements as well as regulations related to Ventura County's Transportation Demand and Trip Reduction program. Additionally, the Ventura County Parking and Loading Design Guidelines provides information and assistance in the application of parking regulations.

    This section includes parking requirements for land uses not identified in Article 8. It also includes requirements for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Unless specified below, the parking standards from Article 8 shall be applied to development in Old Town Saticoy. In the event that parking standards listed below are not consistent with Article 8, the more stringent of the two (2) requirements shall prevail.


    Number of Parking Spaces required.


    Uses not listed in Table 1.8.6 below: The number of parking spaces will be calculated as per Sec. 8108-4. Also, adjustments can be made to the number of motor vehicle parking spaces pursuant to Sec. 8108-4.8.


    Other uses allowed in Old Town Saticoy (see Sec. 8119-1.2 Permitted Uses):

    Land Use
    Number of Motor Vehicle Spaces
    (+/- 10% OF THE TOTAL)

    Minimum Number of Bicycle Spaces Required
    Triplex/Quadplex See Sec. 8108-4.7.1 ST: 1 space;
    LT: Minimum = 0.5 per unit
    Apartments/Condos ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces;
    LT: Minimum = 0.5 per unit
    Town Center Residential
    Live/work units 1 space = 1-bedroom units
    2 spaces = 2+ bedroom units
    ST: 1 space;
    LT: Minimum = 0.5 per unit
    All Retail uses in TC and R/MU 1 space per 250 SF of Gross Floor Area (GFA) (for the first 500 SF)
    + 1 space per 500 SF thereafter
    Community Garden Plots 1 space per ¼ acre
    ST: 2 spaces per ¼ acre lot;
    LT: 1 space per 25 employees; or as determined by decision-making body
    Manufacturing: Custom/Artisan Goods 1 space per 500 SF of GFA; and
    1 space per 250 SF of GFA for retail use (for the first 500 SF)
    + 1 space per 500 SF thereafter
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces;
    LT: 1 space per 10 employees
    Indoor Sports/Clubs Facilities See Gymnasiums, Health Clubs, Spas in,
    Sec. 8108-4.7
    ST: 10% of required motor vehicle spaces;
    LT: 1 space per 10 employees
    Temporary Outdoor Events CUP required for permit. Parking spaces to be determined by decision-making body. Smaller events may utilize existing on-site or on-street parking and bicycle facilities.


    [1] ST = Short-Term bicycle parking spaces, generally bike racks; LT = Long-Term bicycle parking spaces, generally enclosed lockers.

    [2] The number of spaces identified for live/work units are in addition to the number of parking spaces required for the Principal Use.


    Allowances for Commercial Parking. Commercial uses within the Town Center (TC) zone may utilize the following options for meeting parking requirements:


    Off-site Parking and Off-site Parking Agreements: Apply Sec. 8108-3.3 which allows commercial businesses to utilize an off-site parking lot.


    On-Street Parking Offsets: Apply Sec. 8108-4.8 for adjustments allowed to the required number of the vehicle parking spaces and, if applicable, for requirements for a Parking Study or Transportation Demand Management Plan.


    Shared Parking Lots: Apply Sec. 8108-4.6, which describes where shared use of parking lots is allowed when two (2) or more land uses on the same or separate sites are able to share the same parking spaces because their parking demands occur at different times.


    Joint Parking Agreements: Access easements can be utilized for a reciprocal or joint parking agreement between two (2) adjoining property owners, allowing for a shared use of vehicular parking areas at the rear of contiguous commercial parcels. These agreements do not relieve a developer from providing the minimum number of parking spaces for the use, but they can provide more efficient parking lots (i.e., provide more parking) and can minimize the number of entrances into the parking area. For a definition of Joint Parking Agreements , see Chapter 7 Definitions in the Saticoy Area Plan.


    Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations shall be provided for discretionary development located in the TC, R/MU and IND zones as required by existing Building Code regulations and State law, as amended.

(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)