§ 8107-14.3. Temporary housing prior to reconstruction.  

Latest version.
  • A Zoning Clearance authorizing the use of a habitable recreational vehicle (RV) for temporary housing by the former resident(s) of dwellings involuntarily damaged or destroyed by natural disaster, as determined by the Planning Director, may be issued subject to all of the following criteria and requirements:


    The RV shall be located on a legal lot and only one (1) RV shall be allowed for temporary housing per lot;


    The RV must be located on the same lot on which the dwelling will be reconstructed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an RV occupied by an individual who lost his or her dwelling in the Thomas Fire may be located on a different lot if authorized in writing by the owner of the lot where the RV is located;


    The dwelling(s) to be reconstructed were legally established and inhabited at the time they were damaged or destroyed;


    The RV must be a motor home, travel trailer, truck camper, or camping trailer, that is self-contained and habitable, and that is either self-propelled, truck-mounted, or permanently towable on roadways without a permit under the Vehicle Code;


    The RV must be "habitable" as the term is used in this Section 8107-14.3 by meeting all of the following criteria:


    The RV must contain sleeping, cooking, bathing and sanitary facilities;


    The RV must either contain an adequate source of potable water for sanitation purposes through an internal tank, or be connected to a permanent source of potable water;


    Composting toilets are not allowed. The RV's wastewater must be disposed of by one (1) of the following means:


    Through a connection to an existing septic system;


    Through a connection to an existing sewer connection; or


    Through the use of a wastewater tank that is located within or outside the RV, provided that such tank is regularly serviced, for the duration of the RV's use as temporary housing, by a wastewater disposal provider permitted by the Environmental Health Division. The resident of the RV shall provide proof of such regular wastewater disposal service, in the form of a contract or receipts, to the Planning Division or Environmental Health Division upon request; and


    The RV must be connected to an approved electrical source. Acceptable electrical connections include the use of an existing electrical source on the lot or a temporary power pole. Generators are not considered an approved electrical source;


    After the issuance of a Zoning Clearance authorizing use of the RV as temporary housing under this Section 8107-14.3, all electrical and plumbing connections to the RV must be approved and inspected by the Building and Safety Division prior to occupancy of the RV;


    The RV may be used as temporary housing under this Section 8107-14.3 for up to twelve (12) months. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an RV occupied by a resident who lost his or her dwelling in the Thomas Fire may be used for temporary housing under this Section 8107-14.3 for an initial term of up to eighteen (18) months. A resident who lost his or her dwelling in the Thomas Fire RV may thereafter use the RV for a subsequent term of up to eighteen (18) months but until no later than January 1, 2023 if the RV: (1) is connected to a permanent supply of potable water (e.g., well, public water purveyor) and (2) continues to comply with the wastewater disposal requirements of Section 8107-14.3(e)(3) above; and


    The use of the RV for temporary housing under this Section 8107-14.3 shall cease after issuance of the building permit for the subject replacement dwelling, at which time the property owner may obtain a Zoning Clearance authorizing the continued use of the same RV for temporary housing pursuant to Section 8107-14.2 above.

    If the property owner either does not obtain a Zoning Clearance authorizing continued use of the same RV as temporary housing pursuant to Section 8107-14.2 above within forty-five (45) days of issuance of a building permit for the subject replacement dwelling, or does not obtain a building permit for the replacement dwelling before the applicable deadline set forth in subsection (g) above, the RV shall: (1) cease being used for temporary housing; (2) be disconnected from the utilities (e.g., water supply, electrical, and sewage disposal system); and (3) either be removed from the lot or properly stored on the lot in conformance with this Chapter.

(Add Int. Urg. Ord. 4044—11/2/93; Extended Int. Urg. Ord. 4050—12/4/93; Am. Ord. 4092—6/27/95; Ord. No. 4532, § 5, 10-30-2018)