§ 8110-4. Prohibited signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following signs and sign types are prohibited:


    Sandwich-board, A-frame and portable freestanding signs;


    Bench signs, except at bus stops designated on a valid bus schedule;


    Signs which flash, scintillate, move or rotate, except for clocks and time and temperature signs;


    Banners, pennants, flags (except as permitted by Sec. 8110-3e; no other flags are permitted);


    Captive balloons or signs which change color or appear to change color or where the intensity of light changes or appears to change, except on a temporary basis in accordance with Sec. 8110-6.11;


    Portable or trailer-mounted off-site advertising or tract signs;


    Any sign which emits sound;


    Any sign erected in such a manner that any portion of the sign or its support is attached to or will interfere with the free use of any fire escape, exit or standpipe, or will obstruct any stairway, door, ventilator or window;


    Projecting signs, unless suspended from a canopy in accordance with Sec. 8110-6.2, or attached to a service station canopy roof in accordance with Sec. 8110-6.9.1;


    Roof signs;


    Any sign or sign structure which is structurally unsafe or constitutes a hazard to health or safety by reason of design, inadequate maintenance or dilapidation;


    Any sign erected or attached to any tree or utility pole within any public right-of-way, or any sign erected within the boundaries of the required right-of-way for any mapped road as shown on the Circulation Element of the Ventura County General Plan;


    Any sign erected in such a manner that it will or may reasonably be expected to interfere with, obstruct, confuse or mislead traffic;


    The use of any item of merchandise or other commodity related to the business as a sign, except as such commodity may be permanently incorporated into a sign structure as permitted by this Article;


    Signs attached to the exterior surfaces of windows;

    (Add Ord. 3810—5/5/87)


    Off-site signs, except as specifically permitted in Sections 8110-5.1 and 8110-5.6.

    (Add Ord. 3810—5/5/87)
