Article 10. Sign Requirements  

§ 8110-0. Purpose.
§ 8110-1. Definitions.
§ 8110-2. Permit requirements.
§ 8110-3. Exempted signs.
§ 8110-4. Prohibited signs.
§ 8110-5. General sign regulations.
§ 8110-5.1. Sign standards.
§ 8110-5.2. Location.
§ 8110-5.2.1. Signs are subject to the structural setbacks set forth in Section 8106-1; the setback shall be measured to the outermost projection of the sign structure on the side where the setback is being measured. Exceptions as follows:
§ 8110-5.2.2. No sign shall be erected within a sight triangle unless such sign, in compliance with the provisions of this Article, is less than two feet or more than eight feet above curb grade, and no part of its means of support has a single or combined horizontal cross section exceeding eighteen inches.
§ 8110-5.3. Maintenance.
§ 8110-5.4. Public rights-of-way.
§ 8110-5.4.1. Installation of any sign within a County right-of-way requires an Encroachment Permit issued by the Transportation Department of the Public Works Agency.
§ 8110-5.4.2. No existing tree shall be trimmed, pruned or removed from a County right-of-way to increase the visibility of any sign, unless such work is first approved by the Public Works Agency.
§ 8110-5.5. Measurement of sign height.
§ 8110-5.6. Lots having no street frontage.
§ 8110-6. Specific regulations by type of sign.
§ 8110-6.1. Bench signs.
§ 8110-6.2. Canopy signs.
§ 8110-6.3. Clocks and thermometers.
§ 8110-6.4. Display structures for pedestrian viewing.
§ 8110-6.5. Illuminated signs.
§ 8110-6.6. Back-mounted freestanding signs.
§ 8110-6.7. Freestanding off-site advertising signs.
§ 8110-6.7.1. Freestanding off-site advertising signs are prohibited within Scenic Corridors or if visible from a Scenic Highway. No such sign shall be established so as to obstruct the view toward any area of scenic or historic significance designated by the Planning Commission. The view of the ocean from a freeway has scenic significance.
§ 8110-6.7.2. Only uni-pole design is permitted for such signs up to 72 square feet in area, and encouraged for all other signs.
§ 8110-6.7.3. Any such sign shall be located at least 500 feet from any other freestanding off-site sign, at least 500 feet from a freeway interchange, at least 50 feet from the exterior boundaries of a service station site and at least six feet from any other structure. Such sign may not extend beyond the boundaries of the lot on which it is located.
§ 8110-6.7.4. The back of such sign, if not used for advertising copy, shall be screened if visible from any public right-of-way.
§ 8110-6.7.5. Maximum sign size allowed shall be based on the following:
§ 8110-6.7.6. In addition to the permit standards of Sec. 8111-2.1.2, the following design criteria shall be considered in the reviewing of all Conditional Use Permit applications:
§ 8110-6.7.7. Noncommercial messages are permitted on freestanding, off-site advertising signs in accordance with all requirements of Sec. 8110-6.7 and Sec. 8110-5.1.
§ 8110-6.8. Political signs.
§ 8110-6.8.1. Political signs on private property.
§ 8110-6.8.2. Political sign registration.
§ 8110-6.8.3. Location.
§ 8110-6.8.4. Time frames.
§ 8110-6.8.5. Enforcement.
§ 8110-6.9. Service station signs.
§ 8110-6.9.1. Attached signs.
§ 8110-6.9.2. Freestanding signs.
§ 8110-6.9.3. Overall area limit.
§ 8110-6.9.4. Numerical limit.
§ 8110-6.9.5. Poster boards.
§ 8110-6.9.6. Identification sign.
§ 8110-6.10. Symbol signs not on service stations.
§ 8110-6.11. Temporary signs.
§ 8110-6.11.1. Attraction devices.
§ 8110-6.11.2. Removal.
§ 8110-6.12. Off-site tract signs.
§ 8110-6.12.1. County restrictions.
§ 8110-6.12.2. Additional restrictions.
§ 8110-6.13. Window signs.
§ 8110-6.14. Menu boards for drive-through restaurants.
§ 8110-7. Abatement of signs relating to inoperative functions.
§ 8110-8. Nonconforming signs.
§ 8110-8.1. Continuance.
§ 8110-8.2. Repair.
§ 8110-8.3. Amortization.
§ 8110-8.4. Abatement.
§ 8110-8.5. Manner of abatement.